Whoa… Battlefield 1’s Singleplayer Trailer?!

Hey there! Tommy here.

I’m back for yet another post about video games. So, I’ve already posted something about Battlefield 1, (read that by clicking here.) and I vowed to myself that I’d hold back on making another post about it until the release…and then EA released another trailer. So, here it is, another post about a game that is probably really overhyped! 😀

So, Battlefield 1, an upcoming FPS that is set in World War One, now has a trailer for the story mode. Up until now, there has been very little known about Battlefield 1‘s campaign; the main focus was – and probably still is – the multiplayer. Now, all of a sudden, I’m actually excited over the singleplayer. Yes, I’m serious. I actually am excited over the singleplayer story-mode of a Battlefield game. Well, there’s a first for everything.


So, here’s a few points I’ve taken from watching the trailer that showcased this seemingly (and surprisingly) decent storymode:

  1. The musical score for the ad leaves room for improvement. For me, it’s way to cheerful.
  2. The campaign looks like it could be really emotional. Like, daaaaamn…
  4. British accents, dude. Perfect. But then the trailer is narrated by…an American dude?! Who knows, maybe it was supposed to be like a Harlem Hellfighter or something, but… why does everything need to go back to good ol’ ‘Murica? 
  5. I don’t know about everyone else, but I picked up (on my ultra-sensitive vibe-sensing antennae that sprouts from my ear drums and eyeballs) a certain amount of a sort-of anti-war, pro-human-spirit feeling. Which I think – again, I don’t know about you guys – is a really good thing for the Battlefield series – it shows that they’ve grown up. 
  6. The entire campaign won’t be you just driving a tank around, would it…. well, would it? Let’s hope not.
  7. Despite showing a whole load of awesome-looking cutscenes and the sort… there’s not much known about what the story actually is. 

So, that’s what I got from this trailer. As you might be able to tell by scrolling through the list, I’m quite positive at this point in time. My main fear was that they’d sort-of ‘COD‘ify the campaign, pulling for shock and awe and attempting to turn this segment in history into a sort of fun setting for an undercooked drama in which one British dude mows down tons of Germans bad guys while standing on top of a hill, dual wielding two Maxim machine guns and singing “God Save The Queen” with a Union Jack fluttering in the background. (And the Germans would be portrayed as the spawn of the Devil himself in the true spirit of COD. COD just loves their indescribably evil bad guys, don’t they? Stupid idiots…) But this is interesting; it is much more human, much more positive-in-the-face-of-death, and…well, slightly saddening. It does succeed in making you think about the Great War.

Let’s just hope there’s less freaking sub-machine guns.  For us oversensitive nerds, anyway.

So dudes, you have reached the end of another pointless blog post! Hurrah, yay, good job, and all that. Oh yeah, and remember I promised a more universal post the other day? Uh… I’m working on it. I SWEAR, I’M WORKING ON IT.

Anyway, thanks for reading this post dudes, and I’ll see you all in the next one! 😀

From your Hype-train riding friend,
Thomas “The Mad Writer” McKenna

(BTW, in case you’re wondering what the hell I’m talking about or you just haven’t seen the trailer, click here to see it. Enjoy.)

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