NaNoWriMo is on the Horizon! (Tips for Creative Writing)

Hello there everyone! Wait, what's that? Over there? Aha, it is the wild NaNoWriMo, (National Novel Writing Month, which takes place in November) and it's approaching fast! So, you have two options. You can either flee in the face of the beast, or you can turn around, pen in hand, and charge it heroically. If … Continue reading NaNoWriMo is on the Horizon! (Tips for Creative Writing)

Rant #3: The Pokemon Go Rant

Hello everyone! Tommy here. In advance, I apologize for being a in this post. I don't know, it's just a very irritating topic. So yeah. You've been warned and whatever. So, let's jump straight into this debacle. I have one simple question for you all: WHY DOES EVERYBODY HATE POKEMON GO?! It's an app. A … Continue reading Rant #3: The Pokemon Go Rant