Annoying Questions Homeschoolers are Always Asked – and Answers to Them

Hi everyone!

So, you may or may not know already that I’m kinda-sorta homeschooled. I’ve been homeschooled all my life. And of course, that brings up some pretty curious questions. I’ll list down the most annoying, repetitive, and sometimes over-the-top questions in this post, so enjoy! 😀

Also, quick note: Don’t trust any of Buzzfeed’s posts about us. They’re all complete horse crap spewing from the mouth of an ultra-money-reeling industry that’ll do anything out of the ordinary to earn an extra buck, even if what they’re saying is wrong, dumbed-down, or plain condescending and/or pandering. o3o

(kidding, please don’t murder me Buzzfeed thx luv ya bye)

**DISCLAIMER: I have been asked very single one of these questions before.**


1.But…Who Teaches You? Your Mum or Dad?

In my case: no and no. Well, sort of no and no. Like, most of the time I would be given a maths book with a whole load of questions, and I’d finish the lesson of the day by myself. Yes, by myself. But then my parents would correct it and launch the Spanish Inquisition 2.0 on why I can’t multiply a single damned digit correctly.

So yeah, I guess the real answer isn’t really no and no… it’s more yes and yes. (Way to clear things up, me! smh)

2.Have you ever been to, you know, a real school? Like, a real real school?


3.Do you have friends? At all?!

Well, if the underlying question is “do you socialize?”, then the answer is: Yes. Yes we do socialize. Youth groups, homeschooler meet-ups, frequent trips into the city (a lot of the time by ourselves like most normal human beings), part-time jobs…we kind of do normal stuff. Apart from the homeschooler meet-ups: those aren’t normal.

But if the question is quite literally “do you have friends?”, then the answer (for me) is: not many. Not in real life, anyway. But does that bother me? NO.

*wipes away imaginary tear* *huddles in the corner* *whimpers to self*

All jokes aside, this really depends on the kid, just as it would at any “normal” school. Trust me, there are plenty of extroverted homeschooled children.

4.Can you guys, like…you know…read?

To answer this question: how often do you see a 6-7 year old kid reading Dickens or Tolkien?

5.Can you just like play video games all day?

Nope. Sadly.

6. Can you kinda just stay in your pajamas all day?

Well, heh, I personally do sometimes, but I am aware of quite a few families who have a sort of uniform. Like, they wear pajamas at bed time and stuff, but as soon as they wake up and get into schoolwork, it’s like *wham*, they’re in a little uniform. I would assume that the reason for this is simply discipline. Which, in a homeschooler’s household, is very important.

7.That’s really neat that you’re homeschooled! How neat is that? That’s pretty neat!

Meh. It’s a’right. Still school though, when it comes down to it.


So, that’s that. I’ve answered a few popular questions about homeschooling – just the tip of the iceberg, really. But that’s all I’m going to do for this post. So, were/are you homeschooled, and know of some other really quite annoying questions? Or are you a normally-schooled person and you have a question about homeschooling? Go ahead and ask away in the comment section below. I’ll try my best to answer! 😛

So, that’s it from me for today.

From your homeschooled-freak of a friend,
Thomas “The Mad Writer” McKenna

3 thoughts on “Annoying Questions Homeschoolers are Always Asked – and Answers to Them

  1. Isn’t it a shame that people use Buzzfeed as a source of actual information? (Buzzfeed please spare me from your awesome power, I think Buzzfeed is great! heh heh *laughs nervously* heh). This was an interesting read. I haven’t really heard about homeschooling from the perspective of a homeschoolee (?) himself. I can imagine that the lifestyle is different from that of someone who attends public/private school, and you highlighted some of those differences really well.
    Thanks for sharing, mate!

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