Who’s This Weirdo?


My name is Thomas McKenna, also known as The Mad Writer, also known as YodaShades, also known as…okay, I’ll just keep moving.

I’m a 16 year old male, I live in Australia, and I love music, video games, wrestling history, as well as human history. My hobbies include creative writing, weekend gaming, and listening to a completely random selection of music!

So, what will this blog be made up of? Well, I shall (hopefully) post a regular supply of:

  • Random thoughts.
  • Random historical events and my thoughts on them.
  • Random movies and my thoughts on them.
  • Random songs and/or bands and my thoughts on them.
  • Random randomness and….you get the idea.

So, does this perk your interest? (I don’t know if it’s possible to perk somebody’s interest with a intro like that.) Then stay a while, stay forever—actually, don’t stay forever. I don’t have enough food to support anyone other than myself for such a prolonged period of time!

Anyway, enjoy your stay here at PencilNeckGeek!

Thomas “The Mad Writer” McK