Indoor Laser Tag vs Outdoor Laser Tag: Pros And Cons

Hey everyone! ‘Tis Thomas here for yet another sporadic post.

So, as you may or may not know, I love video games. All you have to do is scroll down this blog to see that. So, what’s not to love about a real-life activity that is highly based on video games themselves?

Laser tag is essentially paintball without the bumps and bruises. The guns fire completely harmless infra-red rays – the same ones that are used in your remote control. Sensors attached to your gear and tagger alert you when you’re hit or when you’ve scored a hit, saving you from having to physically feel the hits.

There are two types of laser tag arenas; those that are indoors and those that are outdoors. So, which one is better?

That’s not quite an easy question to answer, actually. So I thought that rather than ranting about why one is better than the other, I thought I’d list the pros and cons of both styles. 🙂

Outdoor Laser Tag


>Immersive gameplay.
> Plenty of hectic, intense rallies throughout the match.
> A good system that stops players from cheating and keeps the game fair.
> It’s great for building up team skills.
> A great variety of game-modes.
> It’s a great way to get couch potatoes like myself outdoors and into the sun and exercising.


>Not many people always attend.
> The first time is extremely strenuous, you’ll feel the pain the next day.
> It’s a tad pricey at most venues.


Indoor Laser Tag


>Cheap, most of the time.
> Darkened arenas make a very tense atmosphere.
> Quick, pulsing music can get you in a very hyper mood.
> Light taggers and vests.
> Plenty of opponents most of the time.



>Only FFA (Free For All) and TDM (Team Death Match) modes.
> Not many open arenas.
> Kills aren’t as satisfying.
> Spawnkilling and camping are usual practices.
> Some places are lacking a marshal/referee, allowing some people to cheat.
> It’s hard to see little kids running about in the dark, unless they run into you.
> Smaller kids tend to smash every one at this, which is good for the little kids and slightly humiliating for the older players…


So, which sounds most appealing to you? Are you a veteran of the laser tag battlefield? Do you have a suggestion for an activity that is similar to laser tag? If so, go ahead and say so in the comments! 😀

So, that’s it for today. Thanks for reading this post, Mr Lazer over here really appreciates it. Don’t you, sir? Ouch, don’t zap me. I didn’t mean to be cynical.

From your completely daft pal,

Thomas “The Mad Writer” McKenna.


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